How To Set the Gain On your Car Subwoofer Amplifier:
Alpine s Exclusive Dynamic Peak Power (DPP) Amp Feature
Install and Setup Tips and Tricks (iLX-W650, KTA-450, KTA-200M, Halo Subs)
Get Premium Sound with Alpine s PowerStack™ setup
KTA-200M + iLX-W650 PowerStack Step-by-Step Installation Tutorial
Add Bass POWER with this tiny KTA-200M Amplifier
PowerStack Installation The KTA-200M follows Power Pack Amplifier, in compact size, easy installation and overall power. Both amplifiers, while designed to “stack” behind the iLX-W650, or similar 2-DIN radio, can also be used as standalone solutions in vehicles that don’t have space for a traditional amplifier.
Powerful Bass The ratio of power to price is unmatched in the industry, as the KTA-200M doubles its power from 200 to 400 watts with Alpine’s DPP technology. During powerful, or “dynamic,” passages of music, DPP will adapt to the needs of the music by adjusting the gain of the amplifier and delivering bursts of power that match the peak demands of the music.
New to the KTA-200M, a voltage adapting input circuit is included to maintain the maximum source signal level without clipping. This ensures that the KTA-200M can continue to produce powerful, clean bass even at higher volumes and dynamic musical passages.
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